God is a generous and LOVING God.
All of these have come despite my fear.
Despite my lack of faith.
Despite efforts to run.
The peace and joy amidst this painful situation...
the comfort that comes from a God who loves
me so much more than Jared could ever dream to...
it has arrived and I feel alive.
I pray for continued growth and patience.
I pray for a fire I can't contain.
I pray for a genuine desire to read the Word,
and in turn, to know my beautiful Father better,
which will help me to love Him more
and to better receive His love.
I pray for continued renewal of heart and soul.
I praise my God.
For the first time in half a year,
I praise the one who cares more for me
than I can possibly imagine.
And more than I can possibly express,
I am thankful.
I am able to praise God for this situation.
I am able to trust Him.
I am able to love Him.
The healing has definitely begun...
and I can't even begin to express my joy.